Holistic Living: Yoga, Mindfulness, Moon Rhythms + the Divine Feminine Free Lecture + Book Signing with Lisa Ware

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Raja Yoga
2483 Forest Park Blvd
Fort Worth, TX, United States

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Raja Yoga
2483 Forest Park Blvd
Fort Worth, TX, United States

Holistic Living: Yoga, Mindfulness, Moon Rhythms + the Divine Feminine
Free Lecture + Book Signing with Lisa Ware

FREE! Lisa’s book Yoga 4 Love Tools for Mind, Body, and Spirit: For a Holistic Lifestyle will be available for purchase and signing at the event for $14.99

Join Lisa in a short, fun and interactive lecture on Mindfulness + Holistic Living as she takes you on a path to less stress and a healthy lifestyle.
She will share applicable tools which she has discovered, learned and developed on her lifelong journey through her passions: being in nature; plant based nutrition and clean eating; practicing yoga, energy work and meditation.

Lisa incorporates a daily practice of quiet time and mindfulness. She utilizes many techniques, many of which she will share with you in the workshop. You can utilize these tools while preparing food, meditating and in yoga, as well as in the everyday moments in all your roles of daily life. Whether you are a mom, dad, pet owner, daughter, co-worker, entrepreneur or wife you will gain basic ways for slowing down, relieving stress, managing your energy and your calendar and ultimately your choices. You will be supplied with resources and handouts on become more intentional in mindful living, as well as receive coaching tips on how to go about creating space for what you love and how to have more joy in your life!

Baby steps are all you will need to take steps toward leaning into your aligned sacred path. Daily application is the most important, and taking time upfront to go within to create your intention. Through small, simple steps you will be headed on the path of what your heart desires and step into, or further, your personal journey toward health, happiness and success via a holistic lifestyle.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]