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WATCH THE PART 2 Beginner Yoga on YouTube

This is a progressive series focusing each week with Lisa Ware and her assistants from Yoga 4 Love Advanced Training Program Online!
Each week we work on a set of asanas. Learn or deepen the knowledge and basic poses and breath for Hatha yoga. Experience the freedom in Vinyasa Flow yoga; this style of yoga links movement with each inhale and exhale. Moving with your own personal energy, or prana, you will learn to balance, get strong, lean and relaxed. This is a progressive series, and each class builds upon each other. Work personally with Lisa Ware to develop or enhance your own personal yoga practice.

Learn all the basics and begin to feel comfortable on your mat and in your practice with personalized instruction and hands on adjustments. Each week move through basic poses (asanas), learning basic Vinyasa Flow, holds and twists, stopping to break down poses and focus on alignment and modifications. Each week builds upon the next as you become familiar with Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, the Chakras and Pranayama breath work. The last week is a full master class, a conglomeration of all you prepared for and have learned.

Train your body and mind to RELAX, get strong and healthy! have ready: a notebook and a pen, water (not iced), a towel and an open mind!

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Please download the Teaching Guides and the weekly handouts for your class here:


Workshop Series Week 2 Teaching Guide

Workshop Series Week 2 Handout Sanskrit


Check out the previous week class handouts and posts here:

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