Intuitive Goddess Vinyasa Flow with Lisa Ware at the Cosmic Yogi Festival

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Addison Conference Center

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Addison Conference Center

50 min
all levels

What could be more OMAZING!!! Join the tribe of awesomeness at the festival and meet your like minded siSTARs on the mat! Lisa will lead you through a journey of asana, a super fun flow of adventure, joy and magic using yoga, arm balances, inversion preps and end with reiki + a quick guided chakra attunement! Bring your crystals and power items to your mat.

*** Meet and Greet*** Move onto the grass outside right after class to commune with your Tribe, receive goodies from our sponsors and chat with Lisa. Learn about Lisa’s new book Yoga 4 Love Tools for Mind, Body, and Spirit for a Holistic Lifestyle! Let’s do this, goddess! Learn more at the online store search Yoga 4 Love on Amazon! Super SWAG when you preorder the book at the festival!!!
Join the Cosmic Yogi Fest all day!
