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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=” Journey Thru the Chakras, Week 4 of 7 with Lisa Ware” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”14284″ img_size=”full”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Join Lisa for a 7 Part Series, take 1 class or all 7!

Take the Journey Thru the Chakras 4 of 7 Heart Anahata on YouTube!

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Journey Thru the Chakras Part 4 of 7 Heart Anahata, with Lisa Ware Yoga 4 Love

Foods_ Affirmations and Themes for the Chakras with Lisa Ware 18-02


Enjoy a series focused on your energy centers combining Lisa’s two passions: Reiki and Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Learn through the practice of yoga and some breakdown/ lecture time about the colors, yantra meditation, crystals, foods for the chakras + positive affirmations and Sun Salutations specifically for each chakra.
Begin the series with the Root Chakra and end the 7th week focusing on Transformation and Ascension with the Crown Chakra!
Each week’s flow is designed to activate, balance and connection to breath through Mind, Body and Spiri Starting with breath work (pranayama) and setting your intention for the chakra energy center, Starting with breath work (pranayama) and setting your intention for the chakra energy center. Learn and feel in new ways, connect with our natural Prana (the body’s chi, ki or energy). Learn to awaken all of our energy points (chakras) with some new and many traditional techniques and poses. Specific Sun Salutations for each chakra (Surya Namaskar). Learn how certain Warrior series activate direction of energy (Prana Vayus). Experience delicious twists, beginner and advanced back bending and an intro to basic inversions. All Yoga 4 Love Signature sequences are chosen to stimulate and balance each Chakra center. Come to one class or all 7!

All learning is experienced during a flowing yoga practice, with a beautiful blend of Hatha and Vinyasa infused with the transformative yin energy of Reiki Healing Therapy.

Finish this class with Reiki and guided meditation during a lovely final relaxation (Savasana).

Journey through the Chakras 7 Week Series with Lisa Ware is especially dedicated for Lent and the Easter Season.

Lisa Ware, E-RYT500
Reiki Master Teacher[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]YouTube Video with Lisa Ware for Heart Chakra:

Heart Chakra Ahahata

Sanskrit Name:




Breath Work:
Ujayii Breathing

Prana Mudra, place thumb over ring and pinkie nail, extend other two fingers with energy, palms up (use for increasing air, and uplifting)
Jnana Mudra middle finger to thumb, other 3 fingers extended (use for grounding, palms down)
Anjali Mudra (hands at heart center, palms and fingers together in a prayerful position, elbows active out to sides)

Bij Mantra:

Green Turquoise, Adventurine, Bloodstone, Jade, Aquamarine, Amazonite, Malachite Azurite, Pink and Rose Howlite, Clear and Charged Quartz Crystals,

Foods for the Chakras
Feeding Your Heart Chakra

Theme: Healing, Emotional Connections

Affirmation: I LOVE

Green Leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, etc.

Air vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, green cabbage, celery, zucchini squash, peas and asparagus, Bok Choy

Liquids: organic green teas, matcha tea, Yerba mate

Green fruits: kiwi fruit, green apples, green grapes, cucumbers, avocado and limes.

Green superfoods: spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass,

Herbs: basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley, coriander, mint, oregano, rosemary, tarragon help absorb more vitamins and mineral and they are excellent at restoring an unbalanced sacral chakra.


Surya Namaskar for Heart Chakra: Slow Flow 3-5 breaths per movement

Focus: Feeling of appreciation and joy, gratitude and peace

Starting Postures:
Seated breath with mudras
Anahatasana with Bolster under chest, neck in neutral, melting heart center toward mother Earth
Extended Child’s Pose with hands in prayer, bend elbows to place prayer hands behind back of heart center. Breathe.
Vinyasa Flow:
All 4’s
Cat/Cow breath Chakravakasana with spiral movement in hips and shoulders
Mountain, Tadasana with Anjali Mudra
Far Reaching Mountain weep arms up, take Angel wing arms, hands laced behind head, big inhale open up heart
Arms wide Swan Dive down
Forward Fold
Ragdoll or grab opposite elbows
½ Lift Monkey
Forward Fold
Kneeling Plank
Step one foot back into Runner’s Lunge
Kneeling Lunge; Anjaneyasana with options:
Bring Hands inside front foot
Bring forearms to Earth or use blocks, hands in prayer, resting head, thumbs at third eye
Inhale placing opposite hand on front knee, use mudra you started with and lift hand up and open into a huge backbend, breathing into heart center, hold 3-5 breaths
Exhale into Anjaneyasana, lunge on knee
Kneeling Plank
Step other foot into lunge
Bring Hands inside front foot
Bring forearms to Earth or use blocks, hands in prayer, resting head, thumbs at third eye
Inhale placing opposite hand on front knee, use mudra you started with and lift hand up and open into a huge backbend, breathing into heart center, hold 3-5 breaths
Kneeling Plank
Extended Child’s Pose
Downward Facing Dog with bent knees, Happy Puppy! (pedal legs and wag tail)
Step into Wide Leg Down Dog, feet to edges of mat
Bring hands middle of mat, thumbs together
Press heart center toward thighs and rest, expanding chest
All 4’s
Kneeling Plank
Caterpillar; Chest, Chin, Belly
Sphinx Pose, slide forearms to top of mat, bring elbows directly beneath shoulders
All 4’s
Kneeling Plank
Caterpillar; Chest, Chin, Belly
Pranam Dandasana, flat on belly, reach arms overhead and rest prayer hands on earth in front of you. Set intention to surrender fully. Rock hips and continue Ujayii breath. Stay for 3-5 breaths.
Repeat the Flow at least 2 times, rest in Pranam Dandasana between cycles

Additional Finishing Poses; hold 15 breaths:
Hanumanasana; Full and Modified Front Splits from Low Lunge Anjaneyasana
Bow, Urdhva Dhanurasana
Camel, Ustrasana; modified with one arm back and with blocks by ankles
Matsyasana, Fish Pose with open mouth breathing

Recommended Reading:
Chakra Balancing Kit by Anodea Judith
Chakra Meditation by Swami Saradananda
Crystal Healing by Simon and Sue Lilly

Sacral Chakra Part 3

Throat Chakra Part 5

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